Checks and balances

My partner has a button-up shirt with a pattern of bright blue and white checks. The little squares are medium-sized and it’s striking without being garish. I picked it out for him and used to encourage him to wear it constantly. Now it makes me want to puke. My yoga mat is a solid greenContinue reading “Checks and balances”

I should be able to see in the dark now

After reading, the most problematic trigger for my PPPD is something that’s not mentioned in any of the literature I’ve seen: an extreme sensitivity to light, noise, and smell (in addition to the sensitivity to motion that is expected in vestibular conditions). Exposure to very bright light or sudden loud noises, as well as longerContinue reading “I should be able to see in the dark now”

PPPD is a print disability

The “dizziness” in Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness is a bit of a misnomer in my case. I do have some dizziness, especially when I look up or turn my head quickly, but it’s minor. My balance is fine, and I’m never afraid I’m going to fall. On its own, the dizziness would be an irritation, nothingContinue reading “PPPD is a print disability”

Dear diary

In October 2019 I was diagnosed with Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD, pronounced three-p-d). After I got over my initial reactions (That doesn’t sound like a real thing, and Wasn’t that one of the droids from Star Wars?), I went looking for information about the diagnosis. I didn’t find much – just a few scholarly papersContinue reading “Dear diary”

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